Platelet biology and functions: new concepts and clinical ... - Nature
2018年11月14日 Platelets — blood cells continuously produced from megakaryocytes mainly in the bone marrow — are implicated not only in haemostasis and arterial thrombosis, but also in
MoreWhat It Takes To Be a Platelet: Evolving Concepts in Platelet ...
2024年8月1日 Although it has been studied for over a century, there is still controversy about the exact mechanisms leading to platelet release into circulation. The formation of proplatelet
MoreA guide to molecular and functional investigations of ... - Nature
2022年3月3日 Nature Cardiovascular Research - In this Review, Hwa and colleagues summarize the latest advances in platelet biology and function and appraise the technical and
MoreThe lung is a site of platelet biogenesis and a reservoir for ... - Nature
2017年3月22日 The bone marrow has been proposed to be a major site of platelet production, although there is indirect evidence that the lungs might also contribute to platelet
MorePlatelet Flow Cytometry: Instrument Setup, Controls,
2019年2月19日 Platelet flow cytometry is widely used in cardiovascular medicine as the platelet surface is rich in clinical biomarkers. Surface profiling is critical in disease management, but current assays can abet clinical errors as
MoreThe Cellular Basis of Platelet Secretion: Emerging
Platelet activation has long been known to be accompanied by secretion from at least three types of compartments. These include dense granules, the major source of small molecules; α
MoreTubulin in Platelets: When the Shape Matters - MDPI
2020年5月19日 Two cytoskeletal polymer systems exist in megakaryocytes and platelets: actin filaments and microtubules, based on actin, and α- and β-tubulin heterodimers, respectively. Herein, we will focus on platelet-specific tubulins
MoreTitle: Normal and pathological dynamics of platelets in humans
2016年7月29日 We develop a comprehensive mathematical model of platelet, megakaryocyte, and thrombopoietin dynamics in humans. We show that there is a single stationary solution
MorePlatelets and Their Role in Hemostasis and Thrombosis—From
Platelets’ α -granules express receptors that facilitate adhesion with other vascular cells and release a broad variety of mediators that participate in and regulate functions such as
MoreFlow cytometric analysis of platelets type 2 diabetes mellitus
2016年3月31日 The flow cytometric data shows that the platelet surface receptors and platelet activation are statistically elevated. This is suggestive of enhanced platelet activation and it
MoreA Comparative Study of Mean Platelet Volume in ... - Semantic
2023年4月28日 The values of mean platelet volume among the diabetic groups are compared to determine the relation between the vascular complication and the mean platelets, and the MPV is higher in the diabetic group with complicatiosn compared with the diabetics without complications. Diabetes mellitus leads to long-term complications involving multiple organs
MorePlatelet count blood test: Normal, low, and high values
2023年9月27日 Platelets prevent bleeding and help wounds heal. Both high and low levels may indicate cancer, anemia, and autoimmune disorders. Learn more about these levels here.
MorePlatelet Sarcoplasmic Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2
2007年12月10日 Platelet Sarcoplasmic Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca 2+-ATPase and μ-Calpain Activity Are Altered in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Restored by Rosiglitazone. ... Vericel E, Januel C, Carreras M, Moulin P, Lagarde M.
MoreWhat It Takes To Be a Platelet: Evolving Concepts in Platelet ...
2024年8月1日 Platelets are among the most abundant cells within the circulation. Given that the platelet lifespan is 7 to 10 days in humans, a constant production of around 100 billion platelets per day is required. Platelet production from precursor cells called megakaryocytes is one of the most enigmatic processes in human biology. Although it has been studied for over a century,
MorePlatelet transfusion versus standard care after acute stroke due to ...
2016年6月25日 Background: Platelet transfusion after acute spontaneous primary intracerebral haemorrhage in people taking antiplatelet therapy might reduce death or dependence by reducing the extent of the haemorrhage. We aimed to investigate whether platelet transfusion with standard care, compared with standard care alone, reduced death or dependence after
MorePlatelets (Thrombocytes) - UnitsLab
Platelets, also called thrombocytes, are the smallest cells in the blood.These cells do not have a nucleus, are round or oval, flattened, disk-shaped structures, and are necessary for coagulation. Two tests that measure or count the number of platelets are the platelet count, which measures the number of platelets in the blood, and the mean platelet volume (MPV), which provides
MorePlatelet biology and functions: new concepts and clinical ... - Nature
2018年11月14日 Developments in the field of platelet biology have led to new insights into platelet formation, function, heterogeneity, genetics, signalling (Fig. 1), and communication.Together, these advances ...
MorePlatelet-Rich Fibrin as a Biofuel for Tissue Regeneration
2013年1月1日 Moulin, “Growth factors in skin wo und healing, ” European. ... Platelet Rich Fibrin is completely autologous material with extended growth factor release compared to other growth concentrates.
MoreImpacts of Cancer on Platelet Production, Activation and
2018年11月14日 Impacts of Cancer on Platelet Production, Activation and Education and Mechanisms of Cancer-Associated Thrombosis ... INSERM 1263, INRA 1260, C2VN, Faculty of pharmacy, 27 Boulevard Jean Moulin, 13385 Marseille, France. francoise.dignat-george@univ-amu. 6 Aix Marseille Univ, INSERM 1263, INRA 1260, C2VN, Faculty of
MoreFlow cytometric analysis of platelets type 2 diabetes mellitus
2016年3月31日 The platelet parameters used in the study were platelet identifiers (CD41 and CD42) and markers of platelet activation (CD62 and ... Vericel E, Januel C, Carreras M, Moulin P, Lagarde M. Diabetic patients without vascular complications display enhanced basal platelet activation and decreased antioxidant status. Diabetes. 2004 ...
MorePlatelet - Physiopedia
Platelet dysfunction; All platelet components are leucodepleted and irradiated prior to release to the hospital. Platelets can also be collected from a donor using an apheresis machine that allows the selective collection of platelets and
MorePlatelet releasate treatment improves skin healing in diabetic rats ...
1998年9月1日 We postulated that impaired skin healing could be explained by a decreased expression of endogenous growth factors that could be compensated by a platelet releasate (PR) added in situ. Histological studies showed that PR treatment improved tissue repair and restored disturbed healing steps observed in untreated diabetic rat skin although reepithelialization was
MorePlatelet - Wikipedia
Platelet concentrations vary between individuals and over time, with the population average between 250,000 and 260,000 cells per mm 3 (equivalent to per microliter), but the typical laboratory accepted normal range is between
MoreA guide to molecular and functional investigations of ... - Nature
2022年3月3日 In this Review, Hwa and colleagues summarize the latest advances in platelet biology and function and appraise the technical and biological challenges in platelet investigations.
MoreLaboratory Techniques Used to Diagnose Constitutional Platelet
recommended to adjust platelet count except in case of extremehigh plateletcount (>500 109/L). Due to an inhib-itory effect of platelet-poor plasma on platelet activation, platelet count adjustment with platelet-poor plasma should be avoided and replaced by dilution in buffer solution.14,15 PRP should be allowed to stand at room temperature for
MoreA serotonin-induced N-glycan switch regulates platelet aggregation ...
A serotonin-induced N-glycan switch regulates platelet aggregation. Charles P Mercado, Maritza V Quintero, Yicong Li, Preeti Singh, Alicia K Byrd, Krajang Talabnin, Mayumi Ishihara, Parastoo Azadi, Nancy J Rusch, Balagurunathan Kuberan, ... 17 Rue du Fer à
MoreOverview of Platelet Disorders - Overview of Platelet Disorders
2023年11月22日 Essential thrombocythemia is a myeloproliferative neoplasm (previously called a myeloproliferative disorder) involving overproduction of platelets because of a clonal abnormality of a hematopoietic stem cell. There is no correlation between the platelet count and risk of thrombosis, but some patients with extreme thrombocytosis (ie, > 1,000,000/mcL [> 1000 × 10
MoreDoes ABO and RhD matching matter for platelet transfusion?
2020年12月4日 Whole blood platelet production in the United States utilizes the platelet-rich plasma method, whereas Europe and Canada use the buffy coat method. 32 However, use of whole blood–derived platelets in the United States is limited, and 91% of platelet doses in 2017 were apheresis platelets. 33 Whole blood–derived pooled platelets may contain up to 0.3 mL
MorePlatelet Count Predicts Adverse Clinical Outcomes After Ischemic
Abstract. Background: The clinical significance of platelet count (PC) for ischemic cerebrovascular disease is not well-established and further risk stratification according to baseline PC within normal range has not been reported before. We aim to evaluate the prognostic effect of baseline circulating PC within normal range on the risk of long-term recurrent stroke, mortality
MorePlatelet-Rich Plasma - New England Equine
Platelet-Rich Plasma: A New Treatment for Tendon and Ligament Injuries in Horses Andris J. Kaneps, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS ... Moulin V. Growth factors in skin wound healing. Eur J Cell Biol 1995;68:1-7. 2. Zechner W, Tangl S, Tepper G,
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