50-80tph ligne de concassage basalte mobile au Venezuela

Rivera RockCrusher – Thomann United States

Attenuator and Load Box for Tube Amps. Load Box and attenuation for amplifying power up to 120 W RMS. Natural sound at every volume. Impedance: 8 and 16 Ohm selectable. Reactive internal network for true amplifier/ load interaction.


Rivera power attenuator "RockCrusher" full details - YouTube

2010年12月2日  Paul Rivera explains why the Rivera power attenuator called "RockCrusher" has tight impedance tolerances, how it's overbuilt and why it's the best unit out t...


Sweetwater Minute - Vol. 88, The Rivera RockCrusher Attenuator

2011年5月12日  Sweetwater's Mitch Gallagher shows off how amazing the Rivera Rockcrusher amp attenuator is: bit.ly/sw_rockcrusher. The Rivera Rockcrusher allows you ...


Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator and Load Box

The Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator and Load Box is a supremely useful tool for anyone with an awesome tube amp in their collection. This device fits between your head and cabinet, and allows you to control output levels and


The All-New Rock Crusher Rivera Amplification

2010年12月20日  We’re very excited about this tool which allows for a guitarist to adjust stage or studio levels while opening up the throttle on their tube amp is a great power attenuator. For


Rivera RockCrusher Attenuator Review - Premier Guitar

Rivera has built an attenuator that works with the most powerful amps while preserving that tone that led you to you most beloved amp in the first place. Amp volume (non-master) set at 7. Clip takes amp from no attenuation through


Rivera Rock Crusher Demo - YouTube

2012年4月3日  Rivera RockCrusher Power AttenuatorFor more info on this product visit us online @bit.ly/GSzQ9VFor home or silent recording, having a high-wattage cap...


Rivera RockCrusher - Best Deals Reviews - Equipboard

Discover the Rivera RockCrusher: your ultimate companion in achieving the perfect balance between maintaining your tube amp's tone and controlling volume. Ideal for both stage and studio settings, this powerhouse accessory ensures your amp


Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator and Load

2014年9月29日  In addition, both sides of the RockCrusher chassis facilitate mounting rack ears or other brackets for professional road case installation. Rivera RockCrusher Attenuator and Load Box Features - Superior natural


Rivera RockCrusher – Musikhaus Thomann

Rivera RockCrusher 54. Leistungsreduzierer und Lastwiderstand für Röhren-Amps. Lastwiderstand (Load Box) und Leistungsreduzierung bis zu einer Verstärkerleistung von 120 W RMS; natürlicher Ton bei jeder Lautstärke ;


Rivera RockCrusher Recording – Thomann United States

Rivera RockCrusher. $677 Compare 18. Tone King Ironman II Attenuator. $811 Compare 5. Fryette Power Load IR. $835 Compare 136. Universal Audio OX Amp Top Box. $1,199 Compare 15. Boss WAZA Tube Amp Expander. $1,199 Compare 50. Tone King Ironman II Mini Attenuator. $435 Compare ...


Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator Review. What users say?

What makes the Rivera RockCrusher unique? There’s a lot of reasons as to why Rivera rock crusher is a potential product for all the guitar enthusiasts. Here are a few reasons which highlight the unique features of the product: An individual needn’t worry about any


RIVERA ( リベラ ) Rock Crusher 送料無料 - サウンドハウス

RIVERA Rock CrusherをMarshall1987Xで使用しての感想。 まずは、機器を通さないサウンドとRock Crusherのバイパス時でのサウンド比較については、尖がった高域と、低域レンジがやや減ったが、許容範囲であり、むしろ通したほうが、とげとげしい高音が若干凹んだ分、よい変


Sweetwater Minute - Vol. 88, The Rivera RockCrusher Attenuator

2011年5月12日  Sweetwater's Mitch Gallagher shows off how amazing the Rivera Rockcrusher amp attenuator is: bit.ly/sw_rockcrusher. The Rivera Rockcrusher allows you ...


Rivera power attenuator "RockCrusher" full details - YouTube

2010年12月2日  Paul Rivera explains why the Rivera power attenuator called "RockCrusher" has tight impedance tolerances, how it's overbuilt and why it's the best unit out t...


Rivera RockCrusher Recording – Musikhaus Thomann

Rivera RockCrusher Recording, Leistungsreduzierer und Lastwiderstand für Röhren Amps, Analoge Speaker Simulation, grafischer 11-Band Eq., natürlichen Ton bei jeder Lautstärke, 8- und 16- Ohm wählbar, Rückwirkendes...


Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator - The Guitar Sanctuary

Presenting the Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator and Load Box, this one with the original Purple Front Panel. One of the greatest tools for a guitarist to adjust stage or studio levels while opening up the throttle on their tube amp is a great power attenuator. For home or silent recording, having a high-wattage capacity load box gives artistic freedom to record at all hours


Rivera RockCrusher – Thomann Nederland

Rivera RockCrusher Recording. € 979 50. Tone King Ironman II Mini Attenuator. € 469 15. Boss WAZA Tube Amp Expander. € 1.299 54. Palmer PDI-06-8 Ohm. € 269 589. Harley Benton PA-100 Power Attenuator. € 69 5. Fryette Power Load IR. € 899 210. Two Notes Torpedo Captor 8


Rivera Venus Recording 25-watt Tube Head with Recording Rockcrusher ...

Related Videos: Venus Recording 25-watt Tube Head with Recording Rockcrusher. Rivera Venus Recording Tube Amp Head at a Glance: Two channels of hot tube tone 11-band EQ lets you dial in the perfect speaker sound Pre- and post


Rivera RockCrusher – Thomann France

Rivera RockCrusher Recording. 977 € 50. Tone King Ironman II Mini Attenuator. 469 € 54. Palmer PDI-06-8 Ohm. 268 € 15. Boss WAZA Tube Amp Expander. 1.299 € 5. Fryette Power Load IR. 888 € 589. Harley Benton PA-100 Power


Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator and Load Box zZounds

2014年9月29日  In addition, both sides of the RockCrusher chassis facilitate mounting rack ears or other brackets for professional road case installation. Rivera RockCrusher Attenuator and Load Box Features - Superior natural tone balance at any level - Selectable 8- and 16-ohm capability - Reactive internal network for true amplifier/load interaction


Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator/Load Box for Amps

Rivera's RockCrusher power attenuator and load box could be your gateway to epic tube-amp tonal bliss. The tone of a tube amp is directly related to the power of the signal it receives and how much amplification is added by the tubes themselves.


Rivera RockCrusher – Thomann España

Rivera RockCrusher Recording. 975 € 51. Tone King Ironman II Mini Attenuator. 466 € 16. Boss WAZA Tube Amp Expander. 1.299 € 594. Harley Benton PA-100 Power Attenuator. 69 € 2. Palmer Supreme Soaker. 884 € 105. Two Notes Torpedo Captor X 8. 499 € 214. Two ...


Rivera RockCrusher Rivera RockCrusher Recording Test

2015年4月29日  Die Zahl an Power Soaks und analogen Speakersimulationen nimmt stetig zu, und nach Mesa Boogie mit dem Cab Clonereiht sich nun ein weiterer Hersteller von edlem Verstärkermaterial in die Riege ein. Die Rede ist von Paul Rivera und seiner gleichnamigen Company. Mit dem RockCrusher und RockCrusher Recording schickt er dieses Jahr zwei


Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator - The Guitar Sanctuary

Presenting the Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator and Load Box, this one with the original Purple Front Panel. One of the greatest tools for a guitarist to adjust stage or studio levels while opening up the throttle on their tube amp is a great power attenuator. For home or silent recording, having a high-wattage capacity load box gives artistic freedom to record at all hours


Rivera RockCrusher – Thomann Österreich

Rivera RockCrusher, Leistungsreduzierer und Lastwiderstand für Röhren Amps, natürlichen Ton bei jeder Lautstärke, 8- und 16- Ohm wählbar, Rückwirkendes Internes ...


Rivera RockCrusher Reverb

Rivera RockCrusher Recording Power Attenuator Load Box 8/16 Ohm with EQ 2010s - Purple. Used – Excellent. $525. $525. Add to Cart. Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator and Load Box - Gold. Used – Very Good. $480. $480. Free Shipping. Add to Cart. Price Drop.

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