Cordier - CFturbo
The Cordier diagram is based on an intensive empirical analysis of proved turbomachinery using extensive experimental data. At the top right you can switch between different coordinate
MoreA theoretical derivation of the Cordier diagram for turbomachines
2010年7月19日 Based on the integral parameters of the flow and the geometry of turbomachines, a performance analysis of turbomachines is performed and the Cordier
MoreA theoretical derivation of the Cordier diagram for
2011年2月1日 For a given operating point (i.e. flowrate and pressure, and a rotating speed), the optimum diameter of high-efficiency fans can be found in the Cordier diagram. The Cordier diagram is an empirical diagram based on
MoreProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C
distinguish the different turbomachines in the Cordier diagram. Based on the integral parameters of the flow and the geometry of turbomachines, a performance analysis of turbomachines is
MoreChapter 2 Turbomachinery Selection - Springer
Cordier (1953) identified a statistical correlation between the specific speed and the optimum specific diameter; this correlation, called Cordier’s line, is shown in Fig. 2.1. This line initially
MoreFundamentals of Turbomachines - SpringerLink
This textbook explores the working principles of all kinds of turbomachines. The same theoretical framework is used to analyze the different machine types. The order in which the different kinds are treated is chosen by the possibility of
MoreA theoretical derivation of the Cordier diagram for turbomachines
Based on the integral parameters of the flow and the geometry of turbomachines, a performance analysis of turbomachines is performed and the Cordier diagram is theoretically derived.
MoreCordier diagram with different turbomachines (picture
In the present research work, experimental and numerical investigations have been undertaken to explore the effect of inlet turbulence intensity level on the performance of air intake S-shaped...
MoreCordier diagram for machine selection. Taken from [8
... speed Specific speed Ω s and specific diameter D s are commonly used to select the type of tur bomachines and to judge if a design is likely to be efficient, they are defined as Figure 2, the...
MoreUnified classification and characterization of axial turbomachines
Cordier and Balje computed these numbers from measure-ments of several turbomachines working on their best ef-ficiency point. Plotting these results shows that the best machines lie
MoreA theoretical derivation of the Cordier diagram for turbomachines
2010年7月19日 In order to determine its main dimensions, fan designers use the Cordier diagram. For a given operating point (i.e. flowrate and pressure, and a rotating speed), the optimum diameter of high-efficiency fans can be found in the Cordier diagram. The Cordier diagram is an empirical diagram based on measurements.
More[PDF] Fundamentals of Turbomachines Semantic Scholar
2015年3月10日 Fundamentals of Turbomachines @article{Dick2015FundamentalsOT, title={Fundamentals of Turbomachines}, author={Erik Dick}, journal={Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications} ... The first part of this work completes the Cordier diagram by adding the effect of the number of injector nozzles Expand. Save.
MoreChapitre 1 Introduction aux turbomachines et principes généraux
Introduction aux turbomachines et principes généraux 1 Chapitre 1 Introduction aux turbomachines et principes généraux . ... La définition de la vue méridionale est mieux illustré par le schéma de la Fig. 1-10, qui représente un étage de turbines axiales. Turbomachine radiale (centrifuge) : Dans le cas d’un compresseur centrifuge, ...
MoreChapitre 1 : Généralités sur les Turbomachines 1-1 Introduction
Turbomachines 1 Chapitre 1 : Généralités sur les Turbomachines 1-1 Introduction Le transfert de l'énergie des fluides à une roue en rotation, sur laquelle sont montées des aubes ou des pales, et vice versa, a donné naissance à une classe spéciale de machines appelées "turbomachines". La roue en rotation est appelée " rotor ".
MoreTurbomachines - Description et principes de base
2017年7月10日 Le fonctionnement de ces turbomachines est commenté en prenant comme exemples, une pompe centrifuge et une turbine axiale, ouvrant ainsi la voie vers des développements ultérieurs. Les principes de base de mécanique des fluides et de thermodynamique utilisés sont rappelés.
MoreA Theoretical Derivation of the Cordier Diagram for Turbomachines
2011年2月1日 The design of high-efficiency fans is often based on the experience of the designer. In order to determine its main dimensions, fan designers use the Cordier diagram. For a given operating point (i.e., flowrate and pressure, and a rotating speed), the optimum diameter of high-efficiency fans can be found in the Cordier diagram.
MoreCordier Diagram - Apps on Google Play
2024年5月27日 Cordier Diagram is the Swiss Army knife for your first shot in turbomachinery design. With this app you can determine the type (axial, diagonal, ... In 1953 Otto Cordier published his research project for single-stage turbomachines with high efficiency determined by dimensionless numbers.
MoreA theoretical derivation of the Cordier diagram for turbomachines
The design of high-efficiency fans is often based on the experience of the designer. In order to determine its main dimensions, fan designers use the Cordier diagram. For a given operating point (i.e. flowrate and pressure, and a rotating speed), the optimum diameter of high-efficiency fans can be found in the Cordier diagram. The Cordier diagram is an empirical diagram
MoreChapter 2 Turbomachinery Selection - Springer
Cordier (1953) identified a statistical correlation between the specific speed and the optimum specific diameter; this correlation, called Cordier’s line, is shown in Fig. 2.1. This line initially was referred to pumps; then, it was extended to all driven turbomachines. Sometimes technical and/or economic reasons advise against adopting the
MoreA theoretical derivation of the Cordier diagram for turbomachines
DOI: 10.1243/09544062JMES2285 Corpus ID: 53587065; A theoretical derivation of the Cordier diagram for turbomachines @article{Epple2011ATD, title={A theoretical derivation of the Cordier diagram for turbomachines}, author={P. Epple and Franz Durst and Antonio Delgado}, journal={Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of
MoreTurbomachines - Description et principes de base
Découvrez les différentes familles de turbomachines de compression et de détente, leurs organes constitutifs, ainsi que leurs particularités. Dans ces machines tournantes, le transfert d’énergie a lieu entre une partie solide, le rotor, et un fluide.
MoreA theoretical derivation of the Cordier diagram for turbomachines
The design of high-efficiency fans is often based on the experience of the designer. In order to determine its main dimensions, fan designers use the Cordier diagram. For a given operating point (i.e. flowrate and pressure, and a rotating speed), the optimum diameter of high-efficiency fans can be found in the Cordier diagram. The Cordier diagram is an empirical diagram
MoreA theoretical derivation of the Cordier diagram for turbomachines
2010年7月19日 In order to determine its main dimensions, fan designers use the Cordier diagram. For a given operating point (i.e. flowrate and pressure, and a rotating speed), the optimum diameter of high-efficiency fans can be found in the Cordier diagram. The Cordier diagram is an empirical diagram based on measurements.
MoreCordier - CFturbo
The Cordier diagram is based on an intensive empirical analysis of proved turbomachinery using extensive experimental data.. At the top right you can switch between different coordinate axes: • relative: Specific diameter δ vs. Specific speed σ (or nq or Ns); original Cordier diagram • absolute: Impeller/Rotor diameter d vs. Rotational speed n; valid for fixed design point values
MoreTurbomachines - Description et principes de base : Conclusion ...
2017年7月10日 Découvrez les différentes familles de turbomachines de compression et de détente, leurs organes constitutifs, ainsi que leurs particularités. Dans ces machines tournantes, le transfert d’énergie a lieu entre une partie solide, le rotor, et un fluide.
MoreMicrosoft Word - Turbomachines-final.doc - F2School
6 • Les turbomachines hydrauliques génératrices ont pour fonction d'accroître l'énergie du fluide qui les traverse sous forme potentielle ou cinétique, c’est essentiellement les turbopompes. • Les turbomachines hydrauliques réceptrices ont pour fonction de recueillir l'énergie qui leur est cédée par le fluide qui les traverse, cette est transformée en énergie mécanique.
MoreChapitre 1 : Les turbomachines -
Thermodynamique appliquée Chapitre 1 Master 1_GPM_S1 1 Chapitre 1 : Les turbomachines 1. Introduction Tout processus énergétique consiste à organiser des transferts de travail et de chaleur et à les réaliser dans des appareils appropriés.Dans les machines volumétriques*, cet échange d’énergie a lieu par déformations de capacités à l’intérieur desquelles le fluide est ...
MoreUnified classification and characterization of axial turbomachines
In order to determine its main dimensions, fan designers use the Cordier diagram. For a given operating point (i.e. flowrate and pressure, ... Proceedings, pages 1859–1869, Glasgow, 2010. [13] P. Epple, F. Durst, and A. Delgado. A theoretical derivation of the Cordier diagram for turbomachines.
MoreTurbomachines - Bilan énergétique et applications : Dossier
2003年4月10日 La puissance réelle absorbée par une machine de compression est toujours supérieure à celle d’une machine parfaite, c’est-à-dire sans pertes, qui fonctionnerait entre les mêmes niveaux de pression. Entre ces mêmes niveaux de pression, une machine de détente fournit une puissance plus faible que cell
MoreTurbomachine : cours et exercices corrigés PDF - F2School
En fluide incompressible, les seules turbomachines réceptrices sont les turbines hydrauliques. Les turbomachines réversibles sont tantôt réceptrices tantôts génératrices. II- Constitution des turbomachines. Une turbomachine est composée essentiellement d’un mobile de révolution tournant dans un stator limitée par une enveloppe étanche.
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