Estimation of compressive strength of various stones based on
2023年4月30日 Researchers across the world try to give an answer to this question, applying destructive and nondestructive techniques.
MoreAssessing the uniaxial compressive strength and tangent Young’s ...
2019年11月12日 They proposed a power relation between Equotip hardness, Schmidt hammer, and USC.
MoreMechanical Properties and Damage Evolution Characteristics of
2023年11月1日 During the loading process, the deformation of the sample is measured by high-precision axial extensometer and circumferential extensometer, respectively.
MoreStrength and deformation properties of granite, basalt, limestone,
Results of the unconfined compressive strength tests on basalt indicated, that as the loading rate was increased from 1 to 1.60 y x 10 psi/sec, ultimate strength, total axial strain, and Young's
MoreDynamic compressive properties of Kalgoorlie basalt rock
2020年11月1日 In dynamic compressive tests, the end friction confinement as one of the essential structural effects is often being neglected during the analysis.
MoreCharacterization and correlation of engineering properties of basalts
2021年2月4日 Regarding the data from the literature in Table 1 and Table 2, special emphasis is given to the mechanical properties values and correlations obtained by Soares et al. (2002),
MoreDynamic compressive properties of Kalgoorlie basalt rock
2020年11月1日 In this study, we performed static and dynamic compressive tests on Kalgoorlie basalt rock from Western Australia. The ultimate compressive strength and corresponding
MoreEngineering properties of basalt aggregates in terms of use in
2022年12月1日 For use in experimental studies, basalt aggregates were obtained from 6 different aggregate quarries located in Isparta, Afyon, Ankara and Konya provinces.
MoreStudy on multi-objective matching ratio optimization and strength ...
2024年2月23日 Based on this, basalt powder (BP), fly ash (FA) and slag powder (BF) were used as supplement cementitious materials in this paper. Firstly, the response surface-central composite design method (RSM-BBD) was used to study the influence of stone powder composite cementitious materials on strength at different ages, and the strength response
MoreWhat is the minimum crushing strength of Granite used in India?
2024年9月6日 Concept: Granite is an important structural and ornamental stone and because of its high compressive strength and durability,; It is extensively used for massives structural works like bridge piers, sea and river walls, dams, and monumental buildings.; Where excessive wear and abrasion is likely to occur. Granite is found in several parts of India with a slight size and
MoreCombined use of mullite and basalt fiber to inhibit the strength ...
2024年7月1日 Adding 1.5 % basalt fiber to the B3 formula (BD2) increases the compressive strength of cement stone to 34.5 MPa, which is attributed to whisker bridging, crack deflection, and whisker pull-out effects of basalt fiber [33]. However, as the amount of basalt fiber is increased to 2.5 %, the compressive strength of cement stone declines to 31.6 MPa.
MoreCompressive strength prediction of basalt fiber reinforced
2022年3月1日 Some studies [26] apply the random forest algorithm to engineering predictions. For example, Farooq F [27] et al. used integrated random forest (RF) and gene expression programming (GEP) algorithms to predict the compressive strength of high-strength concrete. Zhang J [28] et al. proposed a random forest (RF) model based on beetle antenna search to
MoreDynamic triaxial compressive response and failure mechanism of basalt ...
2021年10月1日 In this study, the relationship between the dynamic triaxial compressive strength of BFRCAC and the strain rate can be represented by the following equation: (5) (σ 1 − σ 3) p = a 1 × lg ε • + a 2 where (σ 1 – σ 3) p is the dynamic triaxial compressive strength of BFRCAC under different confining pressures, MPa; ε • is the strain rate, s −1.
More(PDF) Assessing the uniaxial compressive strength and tangent
2020年9月30日 Basalt was used as an ornamental stone in many historic and ancient cities in Jordan. Measuring the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and the tangent Young's modulus (E t) in the laboratory ...
MoreMechanical properties and dynamic compression behaviour of basalt ...
2024年9月23日 Concrete is a typical brittle material. Although it has excellent compressive performance, it can be damaged by dynamic loads such as explosions and impacts due to its poor tensile strength and cracking susceptibility. In an attempt to improve the impact resistance of concrete, a ∅100 × 50 split Hopkinson pressure bar was used to carry out impact tests on high
MoreCompressive Strength of Permeable Asphalt Pavement Using Domato Stone ...
2016年3月1日 Abstract—This research aims to study the usability of domato stone as coarse aggregate in mixure of permeable asphalt pavement. This study focuses to examine the compressive strength and the ...
MorePerformance Evaluation of High Strength Basalt Fibre Reinforced
basalt fibre is better, and it is applicable in settings with temperatures ranging from extremely low to extremely high. The vast bulk of research undertaken on this material has been on the fundamental mechanical properties of basalt fibre, such as its compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength.
MoreUnconfined Compressive Strength Characteristics of Treated Peat
2022年5月1日 Unconfined Compressive Strength Characteristics of Treated Peat Soil ... Blended with Cr u shed Stone Waste ... and 1.5 % basalt fiber raised compressive strength by 44 %, 51 %, and 41 % ...
MoreAxial compressive behavior of basalt and carbon FRP-confined
2023年3月31日 Axial compressive behavior of basalt and carbon FRP-confined coal gangue concrete. Author links open overlay panel Linli Yu a b, Junwu Xia a c, Ze Xia a, Jixin Gu a, ... The compressive strength and elastic modulus of the unconfined
MoreStudy on the stressing state features of basalt fibre concrete lining ...
2024年9月13日 Basalt fibre (BF) is an ... BFC had the strongest ability to resist sulphate erosion, and the cube compressive strength, axial compressive strength, and modulus of elasticity of BFC were the highest, with 47.8 MPa, 33.6 MPa, and 38.7 GPa, ... The coarse aggregate was specified as 5–20 mm continuously graded crush stone.
MoreWhich of the following has the maximum compressive strength?
2019年10月23日 Sand Stone: It is a sedimentary rock composed of sand-sized grains of mineral, rock, or organic material. Sandstone is a popular building material from ancient times. From the above, Basalt has the maximum compressive strength.
MoreStudy on mechanical properties of alkali-resistant basalt fiber ...
2020年6月10日 The compressive, flexural strength and splitting tensile strength was measured at the ages of 7 d and 28d according to the Standard of Test Method for Mechanical Properties of Ordinary Concrete (GB/T 50081-2009). The size of the specimen for the compressive strength test and splitting tensile strength is 100 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm.
MoreCompressive mechanical performance and microscopic mechanism of basalt
4 天之前 The cube compressive strength and axial compressive strength of the specimens decreased with the increase of temperature. With the same replacement ratio and fiber dosage, increasing the temperature from 300 °C to 600 °C, the decrease in cube compressive strength and axial compressive strength was the most significant, which was between 36.4 %–48.1 %
MoreDynamic compressive behavior of hybrid basalt-polypropylene
2024年10月15日 Conversely, the compressive strength of PCAC-0.1 is approximately equal to that of CAC, suggesting that BF enhances compressive strength more effectively than PF, on the one hand, because BF has excellent hydrophilicity to promote stronger binding to the matrix, and on the other hand, BF has higher elastic modulus and tensile strength, which are
MoreEffect of aggregate type on Compressive strength of concrete
2012年2月23日 Tests were carried out to study the effect of the coarse aggregate type on the compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, fracture energy, characteristic length, and elastic modulus of ...
More(PDF) A Comparative Study of Concrete Strength Using
2017年1月1日 Te results show that the average compressive strengths vary between 6. 35 [4] confrms that the mechanical properties of mortars with basalt aggregate have the best mechanical performance at 28 ...
MoreStudy on multi-performance optimization of basalt stone powder ...
In order to better apply basalt powder to supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), this paper chooses the content of basalt stone powder, fly ash and slag as the influencing factors, and the 7d drying shrinkage rate, 28d drying shrinkage rate, fluidity, 7d and 28d compressive strength of mortar as the evaluation indexes of SCMs. Based on the response surface and
MoreExperimental Study on Basic Mechanical Properties of Basalt Fiber ...
2020年3月17日 where f c0 is compressive strength of the plain concrete; l is the length of basalt fiber; d is diameter of basalt fiber; λ 1 is the influence coefficient of compressive strength related to fiber dispersion and pouring process, as shown in Figure 10, λ
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