Fabric effect on hydraulic conductivity of kaolin under different ...
2013年10月1日 This study experimentally investigates a variety of factors, including salinity, pH, fluctuation in permeant, permeation duration and presence of microorganisms, that are found
MoreCoupled hydraulic, mechanical and dielectric investigations on kaolin
2021年9月2日 A new integrated experimental and theoretical framework to simultaneously measure mechanical, hydraulic and high frequency dielectric properties of soil during
MoreEstablishing soil-water characteristic curve and determining ...
2012年11月26日 Establishing soil-water characteristic curve and determining unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of kaolin by ultracentrifugation and electrical measurements. To
MoreFabric effect on hydraulic conductivity of kaolin under different ...
This study experimentally investigates a variety of factors, including salinity, pH, fluctuation in permeant, permeation duration and presence of micro-organisms, that are found to in uence
MoreKaolin: processing, properties and applications - ScienceDirect
1991年9月1日 The suitability of kaolin as a filler or coating pigment relates principally to the physical properties with particle size, brightness and low abrasiveness being important for
MoreShear Strength and Consolidation Behaviour of Kaolin Clay
2024年3月11日 Installing a CWG column of any given PSR in the kaolin bed increased the average hydraulic conductivity of the geocomposite significantly due to the higher drainage
MoreHydraulic and Thermal Conductivities of Kaolin–Silica ... - KOPRI
In this study, to investigate the optimal natural backfill or liner materials, thermal and hydraulic conductivities of kaolin–silica mixtures examined based on the results from laboratory tests
MoreHydraulic and Thermal Conductivities of Kaolin–Silica Mixtures
2015年10月13日 In this study, to investigate the optimal natural backfill or liner materials, thermal and hydraulic conductivities of kaolin–silica mixtures examined based on the results
MoreMineralogy and geotechnical properties of alkaline-activated kaolin ...
2019. Nowadays the proper sanitary disposal of waste is considered as one of the main options in waste management. The chemicals produced from landfills’ leachate affects the structure and characteristics of clay layers, so based on the acidity/basicity state of leachate, the study of the geotechnical properties of clay layers under the influence of these materials is very important.
MoreThe Role of Silica Sand in Enhancing Oil Petroleum
2024年3月22日 Silica sand plays an invaluable role in oil and petroleum production, and its distinctive properties, make it indispensable in hydraulic fracturing applications. Due to these characteristics, silica sand provides
MoreNumerical and experimental investigation of hydraulic fracturing
2015年10月1日 On the basis of needs of geotechnical engineering in fields, the study described in this paper aims to understand the mechanisms of hydraulic fracturing in clay, to investigate the factors influencing the orientation of hydraulic fractures in the cores of embankment dams and soil foundations based on numerical and experimental modeling, and to understand how to
MoreInfluence of hydraulic properties to residual soil - ScienceDirect
2023年2月1日 In this research, saturated hydraulic permeability was determined by using the constant head permeability method as shown in Fig. 4.The preparation of samples for this experiment used undisturbed soil for UKM soil and disturbed soil for silty sand soil, gravel sand soil, and kaolin.
MoreKaolin: processing, properties and applications - ScienceDirect
1991年9月1日 Hydraulic mining The Devon and Cornwall deposits in the United Kingdom are usually worked by the hydraulic mining preconcentration technique to avoid han- dling of excessive amounts of waste rock as reported by ... The relation between bulk kaolin properties and coating slurry rheology is very complex (Beazley, 1972; Murray ...
MoreHydraulic Properties of Porous Media - 百度学术
摘要: r -A radial distance--dimension: L--also a sub- script meaning "ratio" or "residual". When twoimmiscible fluids occupy the pores of a porous matrix, the permeability to one fluid phase is aliquid from a porous medium {by gradually increas- ing P c ) , the first liquid displaced is that
MorePozzolanic and hydraulic activity of nano-metakaolin
2014年4月1日 Hydraulic (pozzolanic) activity of NMK, prepared by firing of alumina – rich nano-kaolin NK at 750, 800 and 825 °C, for NMK (80%)–CH (20%) pastes (water/solid = 1). Physico–mechanical properties of the hardened OPC–NMK cement pastes
MoreProperties of Speswhite kaolin clay Download Table
Cracks in porous systems like clay, can alter its mechanical and hydraulic properties. These may lead to damage of buildings standing on the soil, as well as many other applications in ...
MoreInfluence of Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties on Transient
2022年5月10日 The effects of stress-dependent hydraulic properties and hydraulic hysteresis on transient seepage were also investigated. The findings from this study highlight the role of hydraulic properties of partially saturated soil in seepage
MoreEffect of biochar produced from peach pit biomass on ... - Springer
2023年4月28日 To fully utilize peach pits, their impact on the hydraulic properties of clay needs to be studied. This study aims to (1) reveal the coupled effects of biochar and porewater salinity on the hydromechanical behavior of kaolin and
MoreBroadband electromagnetic analysis of compacted kaolin
2016年12月8日 Request PDF Broadband electromagnetic analysis of compacted kaolin The mechanical compaction of soil influences not only the mechanical strength and compressibility but also the hydraulic ...
MoreProperties of Speswhite kaolin clay Download Table
Cracks in porous systems like clay, can alter its mechanical and hydraulic properties. These may lead to damage of buildings standing on the soil, as well as many other applications in ...
MoreEffects of biochar on hydraulic conductivity of compacted kaolin
2018年3月1日 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.11.079 Corpus ID: 46826967; Effects of biochar on hydraulic conductivity of compacted kaolin clay. @article{Wong2018EffectsOB, title={Effects of biochar on hydraulic conductivity of compacted kaolin clay.}, author={James Tsz Fung Wong and Zhongkui Chen and A. Wong and Charles Wang Wai Ng and Ming Hung Wong},
MoreFabric effect on hydraulic conductivity of kaolin under different ...
2013年10月1日 It is now well recognized that the engineering properties (compression index, hydraulic conductivity and shear strength) of natural clay and commercial bentonite or kaolin are crucially affected ...
MoreEffects of nano-biochar of different particle sizes on the shrinkage ...
2022年2月17日 2.1 Testing materials. The testing soil was kaolin with an average particle size of 14.5 μm and was classified as CH according to the United Soil Classification System (USCS); some basic properties of the kaolin are shown in Table 1.Two types of nano-biochar with the same composition but different average particle sizes were adopted, namely, nano-biochar I
MoreShear Strength and Consolidation Behaviour of Kaolin Clay
2024年3月11日 2.1 Material Properties. This study used kaolin and CWG as base and column backfilling materials, ... Installing a CWG column of any given PSR in the kaolin bed increased the average hydraulic conductivity of the geocomposite significantly due to the higher drainage ability of the CWG column.
MoreHydraulic Conductivity of Compacted Kaolin–Sand
compacted sand-kaolin mixtures, using a range of hydraulic gradients up to 250. ... Properties of tested materials The hydraulic conductivity tests were performed on sand - kaolin mixtures.
MoreInfluence of Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties on Transient
2022年5月10日 The effects of stress-dependent hydraulic properties and hydraulic hysteresis on transient seepage were also investigated. The findings from this study highlight the role of hydraulic properties of partially saturated soil in seepage
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